
Office of The Commissioner of Insurance

This position is anchored in Section 3E of the Insurance Act Cap. 487. The Commissioner of Insurance (the Commissioner) is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Authority.

The Office is responsible to the Board of Directors for the promotion and maintenance of a fair, safe and stable insurance sector, protection of the interest of insurance policy holders and beneficiaries and generally to promote the development of the sector. In addition, the office is responsible for the day to day management of the affairs of the Authority.

The Commissioner is responsible for overseeing the following key functions: -

  1. Promotion and maintenance of a fair, safe and stable insurance sector;
  2. Protection of the interests of insurance policyholders and beneficiaries,
  3. Ensure the effective administration, supervision, regulation and control of insurance and reinsurance business in Kenya;
  4. Formulation and enforcement of standards for the conduct of insurance and reinsurance business in Kenya;
  5. License all persons involved in or connected with insurance business, including insurance and reinsurance companies, insurance and reinsurance intermediaries, loss adjusters and assessors, risk surveyors and valuers;
  6. Advising the Government on the national policy to be followed in order to ensure adequate insurance protection and security for national assets and national properties;
  7. Issuance of supervisory guidelines and prudential standards from time to time, for better administration of the insurance business of persons licensed under the Act;
  8. Conducting of inquiries and Share information with other regulatory authorities and to carry out any other related activities in furtherance of its supervisory role;
  9. Facilitate development of the insurance sector;
  10. Providing strategic leadership in the formulation, implementation and reviewing of the Strategic Plan, business plans, procurement plan and annual work plan of the Authority;
  11. Overseeing the operations and administrative functions of the Authority;
  12. Ensuring management of funds and property of the Authority in accordance with the law;
  13. Overseeing initiation and formalization of strategic partnerships with key stakeholders;
  14. Undertake such other functions as may be conferred by the Insurance Act or by any other written law; and
  15. Such other duties as may be assigned by the Board from time to time.
Mr. Godfrey Kiptum, MBS
Commissioner of Insurance, IRA Chief Executive Officer,