
Supply Chain Management Department

The Department is responsible for acquisition of goods, works and services for the Authority. The function is carried out in strict adherence to the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015, Amendment 2022 and the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020.

Some of its functions include but not limited to;

  • Maintain and update annually standing lists of registered suppliers required by the Authority;
  • Prepare, publish and distribute procurement and disposal opportunities including invitations to tender, pre-qualification and registration documents;
  • Co-ordinate the receiving and opening of tender documents;
  • Co-ordinate the evaluation of tenders;
  • Prepare and publish tender awards;
  • Implement the decisions of the accounting officer including disposal committee and coordinating all procurement activities;
  • Monitor contract management by user departments to ensure implementation of contracts in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts;
  • Co-ordinate internal monitoring and evaluation of the supply chain function; and
  • Prepare consolidated procurement and asset disposal plans.
Felix Chelimo
Senior Manager, Supply Chain Management